5 Essential Oils For Post-Workout Recovery

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How many times have you decided to start working out on a regular basis but then it just doesn’t happen?  To be honest, I’m one of those people that starts and stops… all the time.  I keep making the same resolution repeatedly.

In order to be consistent we need to create a habit.  In order to create a habit, in this case working out daily, we need to do it repeatedly, almost every day, until it becomes second nature. Sounds simple, right?  Well, it’s extremely difficult when you’re in pain.  You know what I mean, the kind of pain that happens when you work out after not having worked out for a long time.    When your muscles are sore, and you can hardly walk up the stairs, the last thing you want to do is work out.

My husband keeps telling me “Pain is just weakness leaving the body”…really?!  Not helping!  Ok, whatever, yes, I do want to get rid of my weakness and can’t wait until it leaves my body, but I do need some help.

As an aromatherapist I almost always turn to essential oils for help.  I created this blend and included five essential oils that when applied topically will soothe sore muscles and provide pain relief.  I also used it a few times when my back was hurting, and it helped me tremendously.

So, here’s the recipe and I explain why this works. You can find 2oz PET amber bottles and jojoba oil on Amazon.

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ARNICA INFUSED OIL is made by infusing dry flowers of Arnica Montana into a carrier oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.  It is then left to sit for 4-6 weeks in order to extract chemical compounds from the plant.  Arnica is widely known to help with pain relief.  I recommend getting Arnica infused oil from Etsy.

Now to essential oils.  I used five essential oils. It may seem a lot, but these five essential oils are a powerhouse when it comes to soothing sore muscles and providing pain relief.  Not only that, they have many other benefits so you will be coming back to them repeatedly for many different things.

ROMAN CHAMOMILE not only has analgesic properties but it’s very calming and great to diffuse with Lavender for a good night's sleep.  It is often used for inflamed skin conditions and is a great oil to use with children.

PEPPERMINT is a potent essential oil.  Individuals with sensitive skin may experience tingling or a burning sensation.  For that reason, I always use it in small amounts which doesn’t diminish its analgesic benefits.  Personally, I love the feeling of Peppermint when applied topically.  It is often used for aches and pains, tight muscles and head tension.  The chemical composition of Peppermint essential oil makes it also an excellent choice to soothe upset stomach or to improve circulation among other things.  Diffusing Peppermint in the morning especially with citrus oils will help you wake up and feel more energized.

BLACK PEPPER is often used in blends for muscular aches and pains, sprains and for poor circulation.  It can also help with upset stomach and relieves cramps.  In their book “Aromatherapy and essential oils” Purchon and Cantele state that Black Pepper essential oil is “reported to flush lactic acid from the body after a workout”.  This essential oil is made from the same seeds of black pepper that we use in cooking.

MARJORAM also has analgesic properties and is great to help with muscular aches and pains.  I like to combine it with Clary Sage and Cypress for menstrual cramps and pain relief.  Marjoram essential oil is also used for respiratory and digestive issues.

COPAIBA is steam distilled from oleo-resin of an evergreen tree growing in Brazil.  It is rich in sesquiterpenes which makes it an amazing anti-inflammatory essential oil.  As a result, it helps with inflammation as well as pain.  It can also help reduce skin inflammation.


In the comments below, I would love to hear how this blend worked for you. 


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P.S. Don’t forget to grab my FREE Essential Oils Guide for Beginners!

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